About the DLC
The Digital Learning Collaborative (DLC) is a membership group dedicated to exploring, producing, and disseminating data, information, news, and best practices in digital learning.
Our current members include school districts, intermediate units, public agencies, non-profit organizations, and companies.
The Collaborative activities are supported financially by annual membership fees paid by providers, depending on the type and size of the member organization, school districts, public agencies, and non-profit organizations. We accept foundations as members but do not seek nor accept foundation funding at levels higher than members.
The Evergreen Education Group manages the Collaborative. DLC members determine the topics that we explore, via monthly web meetings and individual discussions. Topics include but are not limited to the following:
Best practices and strategies for success in a variety of online and blended learning settings (e.g., mainstream classrooms, alternative education, online schools, credit recovery programs)
Honest explorations and analysis of challenges and pitfalls that have plagued digital learning
Implementation case studies exploring the varied settings discussed above
Discussion of successful online content and technology platforms supporting digital learning
Identification of professional development needs for teachers and strategies for success
Policy issues including state funding and accountability systems, which benefit or hinder best practices in supporting students
Annual reports documenting key issues in digital learning, including growth and trends.