Maintaining Academic Continuity for Students with Special Healthcare Needs​

Dr. April Fleetwood is the Director of Accountability, Research, and Measurement with Florida Virtual School, which provides online learning options to students across Florida, and to students outside Florida with the FlexPoint Education Cloud.

Students with special healthcare needs often encounter unique challenges that can impede their access to traditional educational settings. These challenges may stem from physical disabilities, chronic illnesses, or mental health conditions, which require specialized care, frequent medical appointments, or extended periods of rest. Navigating these obstacles can disrupt their educational journey, leading to gaps in learning and limited opportunities for academic growth.

Online learning serves as a viable alternative for students with special healthcare needs in the hospital/homebound program, offering a flexible and accommodating educational environment. It eliminates barriers posed by physical limitations, allowing students to engage in learning from the comfort of their homes or healthcare facilities. By utilizing digital platforms and innovative tools, online education empowers these students to access high-quality instruction, interact with educators and peers, and progress academically at their own pace.

To ensure the success of students with special healthcare needs in online learning environments, our organization recognizes the importance of providing comprehensive support to address individual requirements effectively. Some key support mechanisms include:

Flexible Scheduling: Online learning allows for customizable and flexible schedules that can accommodate medical appointments, therapy sessions, and rest periods. This ensures that students can balance their health needs with their academic pursuits effectively.

Accessible Learning Materials: Online learning offers a variety of digital resources, including assistive technologies, captioned videos, and text-to-speech tools, to make learning more accessible for students with diverse needs.

Dedicated Support Staff: Our organization provides access to a team of dedicated support staff, including special education teachers, counselors, and healthcare liaisons, who work collaboratively with students and families to address their unique requirements and ensure a positive learning experience.

What the Research Shows

The hospital/homebound program, also known as the H/H program, is a specialized educational service available across Florida school districts for students with disabilities who are unable to attend regular school due to medical conditions. A study conducted by the University of Florida in partnership with Florida Virtual School examined the performance of students with hospital/homebound designation in online learning compared to their non-hospital homebound peers in online courses. The findings showed that hospital/homebound students achieved similar academic success in online courses, including both functional and core subjects.

However, there was a higher course withdrawal rate among hospital/homebound students, which could be mitigated when they enrolled in multiple courses. These findings suggest that online schooling can be a valuable option for students who are unable to attend traditional in-person classes. It is important to consider the individual needs and circumstances of each student, but offering multiple courses may enhance their success in online learning.

The results indicated that hospital/homebound students who were enrolled in five or more classes or in classes with five or more students were less likely to withdraw from courses. This finding suggests that a sufficient course load and opportunities for peer interaction can contribute to better engagement and retention of hospital/homebound students in online education. By implementing such supports, virtual schools can further enhance the educational experience and success of students.

Online learning has proven to be a beacon of hope and opportunity for students with special healthcare needs. For example, one student who has cerebral palsy and faced multiple physical limitations, found solace in the flexible online environment. With embedded accommodations and the ability to learn at her own pace, she excelled academically while managing her doctor appointments and therapies. Graduating with a remarkable weighted GPA of 4.0, she now continues her educational journey in college, showcasing the tremendous possibilities that online learning offers for students like her.

Another success story is a high school student with visual impairment and a health condition that requires her to receive immunosuppressant medication daily. Her teachers stepped in to provide a supportive educational experience, collaborating with the student and her team to create alternative assignments that accommodated her needs. This empowered her to successfully complete the course despite the challenges she faced. These triumphs exemplify how a personalized approach and dedication to student success can transform the educational journey for students with special healthcare needs.

Online learning stands as a transformative and viable option for students with special healthcare needs, unlocking educational opportunities and fostering academic continuity. By embracing the advantages of online education and tailoring support systems to meet individual needs, we can ensure that every student has equal access to quality education and the opportunity to reach their full potential, regardless of their healthcare needs.

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