B-1-30, Blog Post Julia Freeland Fisher & Jenny White B-1-30, Blog Post Julia Freeland Fisher & Jenny White

Blended isn’t just about online learning—it’s making space for real-world relationships

Blended learning is helping to unshackle schools from the one-teacher one-classroom model and usher in more creative and diverse instructional approaches. Beyond just restructuring the classroom, blended-learning models are starting to open up new connections and diversify students’ networks. This has huge potential to address not just achievement gaps, but opportunity gaps.

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B-1-30, Blog Post Heather Staker B-1-30, Blog Post Heather Staker

Who are great blended-learning teachers?

What does it take to be a great teacher in a blended program? To ask that same question in education parlance, what competencies—meaning motives, traits, self-concepts, values, knowledge, and skills—matter most for teachers who are substituting online learning for part of face-to-face instruction?

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