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Building Community in a Virtual Learning Environment: A Backstage Pass

August 29, 2024
3:00pm ET

"Backstage Pass to Better Learning: A Community Remix Challenge" invites educators to explore best practices of online community building in digital learning environments. This high-energy webinar aims to equip participants with innovative strategies for fostering engagement and connection for all stakeholders involved in virtual learning.

Learning objectives:

  • Identify key components of successful online learning communities

  • Explore creative approaches to student engagement in digital spaces

  • Develop strategies for adapting community-building techniques to diverse learner groups

By attending, you'll gain fresh perspectives on digital learning, expand your toolkit of engagement strategies, and connect with fellow educators passionate about creating vibrant online learning spaces. Join us for this energizing session and get a backstage view of the future of digital education! 

Please note, this event is being hosted by edWeb, and sponsored by the DLC. Registration is through the edWeb portal, linked below. 

June 19

Hybrid Community Meeting

September 12

Securing the Digital Classroom: Proactive Cybersecurity Strategies for Schools