Montana Digital Learning Landscape


Montana Digital Academy, a DLC State Affiliate, was instrumental in conducting the research for this profile.

State virtual school? YES
Multi-district fully online schools? NO
Online learning requirement for graduation? NO
State approval process for online providers? NO
State approval process for online courses? NO

Last updated December 2022

The only statewide online program in Montana is the state virtual school, Montana Digital Academy (MTDA). Montana does not have any multi-district fully online schools. There are some single-district online programs that are currently serving students in their own districts. There is at least one blended school and others experimenting with blended learning models.

MTDA is hosted by the University of Montana’s Phyllis J. Washington College of Education. MTDA served 2,412 unique students in 4,368 course enrollments in SY 2021-22. MTDA classes are taught exclusively by Montana teachers, employed by their local districts and trained in online instructional techniques by MTDA. MTDA, through an interlocal agreement with each local school district, provides compensation for the local district teacher and reimburses each district for associated employment costs. MTDA teachers generally are assigned only one course section per semester to avoid conflict with teaching loads in their local districts. MTDA offers both original-credit and credit-recovery courses; small districts tend to enroll more students in original-credit classes, while larger districts tend to enroll more students in credit recovery courses. Starting with the Fall 2021 term, MTDA began sharing a portion of the cost of services with the school districts that enrolled in the program.

MTDA’s EdReady Montana provides a personalized learning tool designed to assist K-12 students through college, adult, and incarcerated learners in identifying and overcoming their challenges in mathematics (grades 5 to adult and higher ed) and English (grades 9 to adult and higher ed). The program is designed to prepare students for college math placement tests, high school equivalency tests, and for preparing adult learners for the math and English skills to enter or re-enter the workforce. 

District and other online programs in Montana include:

State Policies

No major legislation impacting online and/or blended learning was passed January through August 2022.

Rule10.55.907 governs schools using online and distance learning classes. It requires schools to report courses, enrollments and providers and requires providers to register and report districts they serve, including courses provided and student enrollment. Montana does not have a law allowing charter schools. Although there is an administrative rule that provides for something called “charter schools,” it is more limited in scope than a traditional charter school model in other states.  There are two district-based charter school programs in Montana.

Laws passed in the 2021 Montana Legislature give schools and school boards more flexibility to allow students to utilize programs in other districts, which may include online and blended learning opportunities.


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